Danfo Chronicles- First time ever!
Can you believe it? It actually happened to me! Me, a certified danfo huger, propagator of danfo manners, authour of danfo chronicles.
I never imagined it could happen to me. I mean, not after all these years in Lagos. When I was a fresher in the herculean task of travelling around Lagos perhaps, but not now. I could have given a speech on danfo comportment, delivered a piece on surviving Lagos busses or even my own tiny e-book titled; '5 tricks Lagos conductors do not want you to know' / 'managing your emotions to collect your change' or better still 'No conductor can swindle you'.
Well, ladies and gentle men, it happened to me yesterday. I forgot my 'change' with the bus driver, a whooping sum of 200 Naira. I still cannot believe it, but it happened to me. So this morning, as a sharp 'geh', I walked to my usual bus terminal with a determination to demand my money. I did, I found the man and requested for my balance.
He looked at me like 'What is this one saying', so I told the story of how I went to work in his bus yesterday and how I gave him 500 Naira and forgot to collect my 200 Naira balance. All through my epistle, he looked at me like I was saying 'black black black sheep, have you any wool..' Finally, he responded; madam, I don't know what you are talking about o. And that was the end. I watched him walk away with my dream of retrieving my 200 as on-lookers waiting for the bus to fill up attempted to comfort me.
As I sat down meekly in my corner of the bus, I realised that life seems to enjoy doing 'Ntoo'. Just when you announce your infallibility, it sees you lying flat on your face. When you think you are so above that, it attacks with a flood sweeping you in its tides. No wonder Paul admonished us who assume we are standing, to take heed lest we fall.
It appears like the more you stand, the more liable you are to fall. Like your ascent makes the descent more resounding. No wonder they say it's he that is down who fears no fall.
What's the way out? Not to stand or rise? Definitely not. It is the same Paul who admonished us that after we have done all we can, we must ensure we stand. The only solution I see is standing firm on the rock of ages, with sure footing and roots that go down deep. that way, no matter how ferocious the wind, even when our hair sways and our back bends, our feet will be strong, unmovable, empowering us to stand again. And choosing to eat the humble pie no matter how renowned our prowess, fat our purse or quick our rise.
Can you believe it? It actually happened to me! Me, a certified danfo huger, propagator of danfo manners, authour of danfo chronicles.

Well, ladies and gentle men, it happened to me yesterday. I forgot my 'change' with the bus driver, a whooping sum of 200 Naira. I still cannot believe it, but it happened to me. So this morning, as a sharp 'geh', I walked to my usual bus terminal with a determination to demand my money. I did, I found the man and requested for my balance.
He looked at me like 'What is this one saying', so I told the story of how I went to work in his bus yesterday and how I gave him 500 Naira and forgot to collect my 200 Naira balance. All through my epistle, he looked at me like I was saying 'black black black sheep, have you any wool..' Finally, he responded; madam, I don't know what you are talking about o. And that was the end. I watched him walk away with my dream of retrieving my 200 as on-lookers waiting for the bus to fill up attempted to comfort me.
As I sat down meekly in my corner of the bus, I realised that life seems to enjoy doing 'Ntoo'. Just when you announce your infallibility, it sees you lying flat on your face. When you think you are so above that, it attacks with a flood sweeping you in its tides. No wonder Paul admonished us who assume we are standing, to take heed lest we fall.
It appears like the more you stand, the more liable you are to fall. Like your ascent makes the descent more resounding. No wonder they say it's he that is down who fears no fall.
What's the way out? Not to stand or rise? Definitely not. It is the same Paul who admonished us that after we have done all we can, we must ensure we stand. The only solution I see is standing firm on the rock of ages, with sure footing and roots that go down deep. that way, no matter how ferocious the wind, even when our hair sways and our back bends, our feet will be strong, unmovable, empowering us to stand again. And choosing to eat the humble pie no matter how renowned our prowess, fat our purse or quick our rise.
OMG! I can only imagine. well,i had a good laugh. Ntooorrrr. great lesson there too