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Showing posts with the label future

Don’t break my eggs...

She felt the hand come closer. She knew what it meant. Holding her breath, she counted the seconds, wondering what to do this time. It was the fourth time in two weeks and she had said ‘no’ three times already. Could she say ‘no’ again? Why was he so persistent anyway? ‘Do not defraud your husband’, her pastor’s voice echoed in her ears as she felt the hand rest on her arm, testing the waters. But it was not like she intentionally wanted to defraud her husband. It was raining outside and she wasn’t near asleep so it could very well have been a perfect night. Except that they had warned her. Don’t bend o , don’t stand for long , don’t jump or do anything rigorous , avoid anything that will stress you , don’t even meet with your husband- rough play can break your eggs . Pppppffff, very funny, she had dismissed them at first, old wives’ tales that had no meaning. Until she woke up to blood tricking down her legs, her brain trying to solve the maths- maybe it was that ti...

16 and fabulous...

Hello people, It's been a while. August has been so full. I have been so busy, especially in my brain, just going through the motions ticking off items on my to-do list. It has not been gloomy though, just busy. I missed two weddings I so looked forward to attending but my parents visited and I had a great time retreating at the couple's clinic (watch out for a post on this). I have also had the privilege of housing my pretty sister who is the subject of this post. You see, she just recently clocked sixteen. And it is amazing to watch her live her sixteen year old life. Her topmost worries fluctuate between 'Post Jamb screening', 'data for Whatsapp', 'something mummy said', the songs her friends like and all these boys who won't leave her alone. She is forming philosophies and picking out nicknames, trying to decide what her style is and pursue her passions. I like that she is purposeful and passionate, interested in making money as much as ...

Face beat by....

For a long time, Classic powder has comfortably occupied the space allocated to powder in my head. Every time it breaks (which is practically every month), I walk into a supermarket and pick up  another one. I never consider other options or see reason to change. No, I was faithful to classic. Until recently. Staring at my face in the office restroom mirror at 5:00 pm one day, I asked myself ' who would imagine  I wore powder this morning '. Just like that, my commitment to Classic evaporated, quickly replaced with a desire for a new powder. My make up artist (who has made me up the two times I ever desired proper make up in my entire life) told me a number of times that Milani would be perfect for my face. I believed him, I still do. Only that Rita Dominic looks so flawless in the Zaron billboard at the foot of third mainland bridge. No lines, no smears, no colours- such flawless beauty makes me want to look like that  everyday. It somehow never registered in my head...