Why are we like that? Why is our satisfaction threshold so limited. I remember the times I prayed for the things I have now, but amazingly, I sometimes catch myself complaining. Oh, this job is great but if only I didn't have to get up so early. Oh I love my husband but why does he have to watch so much football. Whoa, this car is the bomb, but it does not have a Bluetooth voice enhancer. Buts, buts, more buts. We always have buts.
I do not totally think buts are terrible as I am a firm believer in the school of thought that you need a certain degree of dissatisfaction with your current situation to desire something better. And since no matter how good we have it, better is always ahead, complacency is never an option.
But I am quickly realising that pausing to enjoy today's blessings, appreciating the miracle that gave birth to them is essential to enjoying my life. While focusing on the future, I am learning to relish today and bask in all that it is. Because, very soon today will be gone and even though tomorrow will come with that next level, it might not make up for the things I missed today.
Come to think of it, certain prayers (desires, wishes and hopes) are borne out of the answers to yesterday's prayers. There are those problems you now have because the ones you used to have were solved. Like the lady who prayed for a husband and now has one, her current worry of how to keep the spark on in her marriage is a result of the answer to her previous prayer. The guy who prayed for a car who is now praying for fuel money is only faced with this new challenge because the other one was solved. So you are stressed by the demands of cleaning your 3 bed room flat, that is a problem you didn't have when you were in your mini flat praying for bigger space.
Morale of the story. Yes, the grass can be greener and yes, the other side might be better but this side is not useless either. As you water the grass here and hope for a greener tomorrow, enjoy the feel of the sand against your feet, enjoy the dryness hat comes with dead lawns because very soon, your lawn will be green and you will have to bother about the wetness.
So this new week, set your goals, push for them but enjoy what you currently have. Pause to thank God and appreciate the miracles you enjoy today.
Happy New Week!
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