It’s really sad to
think that NoMoreLoss is no more. When a colleague broke the news to me on
Monday, I couldn’t help but sing his classic- Iyawo asiko. Talk about a fine
song delivered in a fine voice by a fine man. Good music any day, that’s what
he was known for.
What’s even sadder is the battle
of words going on among celebrities regarding his death. It began with
Lepacious Bose (or shall we call her Slimacious Bose now that she’s slim) when
she posted about all the ‘fakeness’ in the industry, how everyone is putting up
‘internet-downloaded-pictures’ of the deceased when they didn’t have his number
on their phones or ask about him when they stopped seeing him at events. Of course
there have been responses, Zaaki Azzay (the torch light guy that used to be a
big deal) posted back online and Yaw responded via his radio show saying people
cannot respond to things they don’t know. In his opinion, the people around
NoMoreLoss should have reached out for help and Nigerians would have rallied
round. Funny that when MI was explaining in his song that even celebrities are
human beings with their own problems too, he was talking to Nomoreloss who had
then accused the industry of abandoning OJB.
Unfortunately, this lost love is
not just among fellow celebrities, even the fans are not loyal. The moment they
hear the ‘sare wagba’ dance hall beat of the young young guys now running the
show, they forget the guys whose music made the show worth running. From ‘baba
nla’ to ‘lowo’ to ‘duro’, it seems like there are too many hits to shake to.
Hence, we have no time to reflect or remember, that’s the shame of our
Yes, he was on your dp for one
hour on Monday or Tuesday and you probably googled him when you heard the news,
but that’s where it ended. As far as entertainment is concerned, it will appear
like NoMoreLoss is NoMoreMissed, a testament of the great talents we have lost
in our craze for noise and ‘new-acts’
Our condolences go out to his
wife and family, for the great man that he was, NoMoreLoss will without doubt
be greatly missed.
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