"They said B.Sc's were no longer good enough,so I got an M.Sc. Then they said the market value of an MBA is higher, so I got on that horse too. Now they're saying I can't truly advance in my career/business without international certifications? But why?" Lots of professionals ask this question, wondering why their hard-earned work/business experience is not good enough to get ahead. The issue is not that your experience is not good enough, it's not that your previous degrees(or degree for some people) are no longer relevant; the issue is dear professional is that your singular experience in that particular field of expertise does not a global view make! That the world is a global village is a concept learnt since primary school, that globalisation is affecting economies is an over-flogged rhetoric. However, what most professionals DO NOT pay attention to is how to get ahead of the effects of globalisation on their own economic environment. Y...
Like streams flowing into a dam, an exposure of the little things that make the big things count, a recount of the things you see everyday in a way that you never see them. ...the thoughts of a READY WRITER.