However, at the bus-stop, there was
a ton of people and too few buses. Before one could even hear what the bus conductor
was saying, the bus would have filled up and zoomed off. I stood there and
watched my dream to get home early fizzle away with every bus that drove off. Then
it hit me, why wait for new garage bus when I can board any other bus, get off
at car wash and still get home. Wow, I do not even have to hear what the
conductor is saying; any bus on this road is either going to new garage or passing
through car wash to get to where-ever.
Less than five minutes later, I was
comfortably sited in a bus, one of the other buses that were bound to go
through car wash. I was just about done congratulating myself on such a smart
decision when the bus stopped. Ehn, what’s that? Traffic, wow! I looked to my
right- the New Garage route and it was free! I felt terrible; I was not so
smart after all. So I couldn’t wait at the bus stop for a New garage bus, I could
definitely wait now, and maybe even longer than I would have waited, in my
traffic delayed car-wash bus. Like you already guessed, I didn’t quite get home
But I got home thinking. About life;
and its propensity to make humans wait. We say we can’t wait to do a lot of
things, yet we wait. I couldn’t wait for a new garage bus because I couldn’t wait
to get home, yet I had to wait in my car-wash bus. You can’t wait to grow up,
she can’t wait to finish that course, he can’t wait to get the promotion, they can’t
wait to move house, I can’t wait to fall in love, and maybe you can’t wait to
fall out of love. He can’t, she can’t, you can’t, I can’t, we all can’t wait,
but wait we must.
Before you conclude, I am not about
to tell you about the benefits of waiting or how waiting is good and all that
even though I do agree that waiting is beneficial. I am just thinking, when
does waiting become wasting time? What is
actually worth waiting for and what is not? Have you ever thought you couldn’t wait
for something only to wonder why you were in such a rush when it finally arrives?
You then most likely conclude that such a thing was over rated and wasn’t worth
the wait. I also bet you have at some point hurried through certain things and
gotten quick results only to wish you had waited. So what is worth waiting for?
I don’t know if I know the answer to
that question. They say sex in the confines of marriage is worth waiting for
and I tend to agree. They say the joy of having children is worth waiting for;
I am hoping it is true. Every month end, I am convinced my university degree
was worth the wait. Sometimes, after I have spent hours in a salon and I
inspect the result, I am certain the time wasn’t wasted. At other times, I have
persevered through a book or movie only to be sorely disappointed at the end,
such a waste of time! There are a couple of things I am waiting for right now
that had better be worth the wait. I know God’s promises are sure and worth
waiting for, so I rejoice in them.
Many times, we do not even wait for
something, we wait through it. Like the young bride who has to live the first
three years of her marriage with her in-laws while her husband completes his PHD
degree in the UK. Like the pregnant woman, who is tired of her constant nausea,
but has no choice in the matter. Like the teenager who has to live with his
uncle’s wife’s nagging if he is to get a good education. We all have to wait
through situations. Waiting is easier when one can keep the expectation in
sight. When the period is timed and we can keep track of progress, it makes
waiting not so bad. Joyce Meyer said patience is not the ability to wait but
the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting, I think she is right. If we
have to wait, since we have to wait, why don’t we just wait well and try our
best to enjoy the wait. Eventually, I surmise that waiting is best when you are
waiting for something worth waiting for. So, what are you waiting for?
Right now, I am just grateful you
waited through this article with me and I hope it was worth the wait.
Your posts always have timeless truths we can always relate to. I feel like I'm being spoken to by an elder person every time I read. Way to go,Bunmi!
ReplyDeleteYour posts always offer timeless truths we can always relate to. I feel like I'm being spoken to by an elder every time I read. Way to go,Bunmi!
ReplyDeleteI waited through the article and yes its worth reading over and over again. Thank you for this