I like to think I love Christmas. I mean, who doesn't? It’s the one time when our lack of street lights does not matter because Christmas lights flood the streets. It’s the time when everyone claims to do discounts and sales, only that the clothes one actually wants are never really on sales. It’s also that time when your employer gives you a bonus that you end up spending to pay up the gift debts you acquired all through the year. Well, not that I am complaining, the fact that there is a bonus to spend and dear ones to spend it on is in itself a blessing. However, the process of picking so many special gifts for so many special people without spending so much is like solving a further maths inspired word problem in two minutes without a scientific calculator. How does one buy the perfectly special yet affordable gift? This nagging question reminds me of an experience I had few Fridays back on the trip home from work. There was this Hausa man standing in the traffic, not...
Like streams flowing into a dam, an exposure of the little things that make the big things count, a recount of the things you see everyday in a way that you never see them. ...the thoughts of a READY WRITER.